Dec 27, 2010

#10 261210 ♥

Hi again.
           So yesterday we went out a lot of places. We went to Semua House in the early morning. Picked up Kakcik and Kaklong first before we went there. Went to buy some tudung for me at my mum's friend's shop. Got rm5 discount ;)
          Then we went to Betty's wedding. We ate once we got there. The foods were yummy. K IM HUNGRY NOW.  Betty is beautiful in her wedding dress! ^^ We went upstairs to take a look at the bilik pengatin ^^
Go to Giant for awhile. Kaklong bought a shirt. Mum bought some brother's stuff since a lot of them is running out of stocks! Kakcik bought some chicken to cook when we arrived home.
Arrived home at 5pm. Kklong cooked Fried Macaroni. Well it's not a macaroni, actually. It's the--um--SHELL species.
        After performing solat Maghrib we went to Istana Budaya. Kakcik bought us ticket Siti di alam Fantasi. I tell you it WAS A BLAST. THAT NIGHT ON THE SPOT I've fallen for Fizo Omar . Liyana Jasmay was quite cute with her character in the musical. Well everything seems perfect. I laughed to much. Haha oh well, sometimes. 'till here then, Bon Voyage my friend.


#9 Happy Birthday to Saji Crossroad and Sweetrose Maria ^^

          On 23rd February, we celebrated Abg Nuar and Kak Zura's birthday at Must Library ^^
Well, at lunch hour we went to Secret Recipe at Taman Mayang. The birthday girl bought the cake herself  ^^
We picked up the cake, & went back to library. Celebrated there, took pictures & stores beautiful memories.
Frankly speaking, this will make me missing them so so much. Damn it, I should learn how to not miss them, but I got a wrong way of learning it =v='

Holidays holidays holidays.
It has been a good 2010 holidays. The happiest holidays I ever had in my 14 years 1 months and a half.
But now, it's going to end. Now, it's going to be memories. Now, I will remember, forever.
So, whoever read this, I just want to say that wish you all the best in 2011 especially for the Pmr & Spm Candidates. Wow. We have to make it, man. Proof to them that our war is worth it with all the exercises, memorizing formula, attending tuition, best in sports, best students, achieve everything that you want, forgetting the past & open a new book, forgetting the thing that distracting us from our war that we have done.
Well, 'till here. Got another post to right. Sorry if this wasting your time. Have a good day!

Dec 24, 2010



Dec 22, 2010

#7 Mr. Beijing Fried Rice


Hankyung-ah, I miss you! Please comeback to Super Junior :( You are so welcome by the ELFs :(
Hankyung, Fighting! ^^


Took this my friend's photo. Azuin Azahar ^^

Oh, hello there.
KOBWA! (Look at that!) I told you Super Junior is the best.
Oh yes, we are ELFs! You are humans. We got their back ^^ Bel13ve  

Dec 15, 2010

#5 'Pengatin' Baru.

          I went to UM today, picked up my aunt. She had just finished her exams. Congrats, maktang! Then we all went to KL Central to sent Paktang and maktang. Their flights to Bandung, Indonesia was 3pm. Perhaps they are safe on plane now ^^
          Then my grandparents and I went to Semua House. I had been there for the first time with my mother, and Oteq ^^ Aunty Shanaz owns a tudung store beside Semua Hose. (Exactly, I was first though it is 'Sumo' House but then after saw a big signboard I noticed it was 'Semua' House ^^)
          We went there because my grandpa wanted to buy the case of 'bunga telur'. I also bought something for my mum ^^ Well, it's not big deal ^^

Ps: If you want to see the photos, click here --->

Dini C:

Dec 14, 2010

#4 At last, the prince had met the owner of the shoes...

      Last Saturday was the day. The day that everyone was waiting for. The heart and the chest will be together. If it's dead, then the person who killed the heart will replace him/her. Which every single of you knows, there's none.
     I love that story. A lovely story for me, indeed; The Pirates of The Caribbean III: At World's End.
With just one 'lafaz' from paksu. Officially he's someone husband and has been declared by the 'para saksi' to be a husband to his wife, Haniffah Trukey. Still awkward though to call her as my 'maksu' ^^ Got to use to it, later!
The photographers were snapping and testing out how the photos gonna work. My family were discussing about the stage.
    The next day was Paksu's wedding. Alhamdullilah everything turns out smoothly and as well as we planned! Eventhough I am so tired, but I guess it is really-really-really worth it! Maksu was so beautiful, as usual. While paksu was like ------ fat? *RUNS AWAY*
    Everyone said I'm pretty ^__________________^ *blush* Well, I arrived there at 11:30am. It is not early if you are one of the crews, okay?
    Go back to my mum's house. I really cannot entertaining you, mum! ^^ So tired, but so happy :-)

Ps: If you want to see the pictures which might not have a good quality as the dslr, ( I need to mention that also k -_____-) click here --->

Dini C:

Nov 22, 2010

#3 Today....

"Hi Aliah Dini my form 2 friend. I miss you too :') I miss talking to you during yellow house practices eventhough we didn't talk much actually. Thanks fr wishing me the best of luck during PMR and and you know next year is yr tuuuurn HEHEHHE :'D PMR is so sexy so just think of it as your long lost boyfriend whom you'll finally meet next year. HEHEH k I'm bored riight now. and tired as well. HEHEkthanksbai!"

I AM TOUCHED K ('-: Thanks for dearest senior, Nik Nur Liyana :)
First person to wish me good luck for my PMR NEXT YEAAAAAAAR.
I shocked when the chat pop-ed out. Thank you k, I appreciated it :)

Nov 15, 2010

#2 A trip to Masjid Tanah, Melaka

Hi (!) :D

Last Saturday, I went to Melaka with my family. For breakfast I had roti canai telur and teh o' ais limau.
I didn't take any of the breakfast photo, so I can't show to you guys :(
The place was crowded with people, anyway. But this was how my face after having the delicious food! :D

Some pictures while on the way...

I gained a new experience through my first visit to a chocolate factory. That was my first time visiting a factory in my whole 14 years time!
But, we just went to the shop, not the inside the factory.
We also bought some of the chocolate as well.

And here is my little brother. He tried to go to me (at the back of the seat). But my mum pulled him back to sit on her. Lol, Anas, anas :)

After that, at 11:11am sharp we're entering Seremban. Here are some of the photos.

I will be updating later. HIHI. 
Dini C:

Nov 9, 2010

#1 First post (:

"You aimed me. You shoot shoot shoot. I hoot hoot hoot." - SNSD

Oh, Hi (!) :D 

So, today. I'm officially posting my first post now :D 
Hope I will continue until PMR ends :)

Well, let me introduce myself to you :)
So, my name is Aliah Dini. Dini for short :)
I'm fourteen years old and studying at Smk (P) Sri Aman :D
I love all those Kpop stuffs and I'm one of the Elf :)
Hope you give me a help since I'm quiet new in here :D
So, bye! :D

Dini C: