Jun 4, 2013

#290 Miss me?

"And so I say thank you for the music."

Assalamualaikum and whaddup yaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...??! ~ Just admit it all of you, that you are, in absolutely missing me somehow. Holidays is around. Kerja kursus Accounts also not literally complete yet. Worst? Mid-year Examination. I can just.....imagining how mad would the teachers be when marking our paper. Truthfully, I am not really satisfied with my answers on the sheets. I mean, I just can't understand. WHY? WHY IS IT LIKE THIS. I MEAN; WELL I BELIEVE THAT SOME OF YOU GUYS MAY NOT UNDERSTAND FOR WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. I just get so mad; frustration is the correct word I guess, for not put my whole those 'jiwa dan raga' thing in mid-year exams. The previous one, was great. I got lots of B's, and some C's. An A- for my English-which is good grades for me. After paper by paper of Mid-Year Exams, I feel like it's totally worthless and disasters. I mean, why am I not like before? Staying up 'till late night studying History, understanding words in Addmaths.... It's all pointless when you are not studying at all, but what's even worsen the situation was you did studied smart and hard, but the questions spinning around like emotional roller coster back and forth across the yard-so how can I not mad at myself and gets frustrated and feel not very overwhelming welcome for me.

Can you understand that, no? 'Cause literally in my 17 y/o there's only 3 peoples who understands me. Sorry for having you a migraine reading this.

Well......holidays were......uhm......so-so. At the first week of the hols, my family and I went back to our hometown; Raub and Kuantan. Thank you Wan Teh and Aki Teh for preparing my favourite dish of all year,

Ikan Patin Asam Rom. Bapak sedap sia aku tambah dua kali. Yeah I admit I'm gaining weight well literally I don't even give a damn about my weight and stuff cause to me the bigger you are the happier you are and I just have one life so Im living it up and yeah I cant stop talking wheres my fullstop button


Tu diaaaaaaaaaaa~ Bahagian yg paling aku SUKA DAN PALING TAK BOLEH TOLAK ANSUR KALAU ORANG AMBIK, ialah bahagian ekor Ikan Patin; which I don't know orang matsalehkonon cam korang makan ke tak ikan sangkar cenggini but for me, staying in village are more valuable rather than in this hectic city. Duduk sini tak sedar ke masa; kalau kat kampung...? Pukul 9 lebih dah bentang toto, untuk tidur. Best kan? Kitaorang sampai dah nak dekat malam, makan-2 apa semua then terus wash-up utk tidur. Haih, how lucky you guys villagers.

Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh this just get me psychotic! Italian Rainbow Cake for Mak Tengah and Mak Kecik's birthday. Hehehe mum, the cheese cream was the bomb. Just couldnt get enough for me!

End of Raub's story. We're moving to the following day. Kuantan babeh


Heeeeey whaddup.  Hahahaha muka budak dah besar kan? Cedih ai tau bulan 10 ni genap 17. Cam tak sabar nak ambik lesen pun ada, tapi tak bersedia lagi nak jadi tua oi :p
Then kitaorang buat BBQ. And guess what? Mama buat Red Velvet Cake and kitaorang semua buat suprise party utk Ayah Don :) Hahahaha apak best semua nyanyi utk dia xD Havoc jugak lah sebab Makcu Da pun ada, family Bayla, and Mokchor :) Well.....rindu nak kumpul-2 cenggini...., kan? :')

Then as usual lah kan tangkap gambar kat camera orang lain pastu takde gambar nak upload sekarang. Bebal tak? -.- K tkpe. Kita upload gambar lain. HEHEHE 

So the following day, kitaorang pergi jogging dekat Taman Bandar :) It's quiet interesting taman dia because aku rasa taman kat situ je ada perlumbaan bot kecik. Bapak bising bot tu, at the same time bapak comel bot tu. Okay tkpe kagum ah jugak enn. Then pergi jogging lah sikit-2 then terus shoot taman permainan. Heleh, tahulah je aku cemana en.

Taraaa~ Tak sah kalau tak bergambar en :p

And ofcourse aku bila kat taman permainan tak sah kalau tak jadi diri sendiri....... Peace yaw!

Hahaha boleh cenggitu? Kalau budak form 5 lain tak cenggini en :p And this one time nak balik dah :) Well it's fun. Berpeluh jugak aku dibuatnya kejar budak-2 ni. Sayang jugak ah rasanya cause semua orang bawak adik-beradik dia except for me. Anas tidur that time :c Cedih angat angat titew tau

And vaining again...

Tahu je lah alia bila dapat camera kann jangan nak buat muka pelik sangat lah pui *suara michael ang*

And yeah.... The next day, balik Puchong :) Best jugak lah as the beginning of my hols :) Bye guys!

Love, Dinixx