Oct 28, 2015

3.1 Sums up everything

I never knew I'll get back here to this place, ever again.

What's up, peeps? I know it has been a long time since my last post; hope you guys forgive me, though it's one of the 'it's not our problem' matters the situation I'm involving in.


It has been...quiet a bundle of stuff came into my way and tried to stop me to get where I wanted to go, but unfortunately, they lose. Big time. 
I have no idea when was the last time I posted the last post, but the road was rough and with Allah's help, I finally get through it. 

First of all, this photo with this caption on really, really, really means a lot to me.

I just lost a good friend of mine; again. Though I keep holding on even though I knew she was throwing sh*t on my face. I never knew my patience can go to that extend, which is why I'm here.

Guys, you have no idea how hot-tempered-emoish girl I can be. I'm not the type that you think 'Oh she's one of those!' or 'Why is everything going good in her life?'. I went through hell to get what I wanted which is to know REAL friends are worth to wait.

Manusia tak pernah sempurna. Bahkan takkan pernah jadi sempurna. I am learning... little by little. As far as I concerned, the more you try your best, the more you know you are the best for yourself and others who appreciate you.

I never knew it would became like this. I can't predict the future. Even people fore-casting it sometimes messed it all up.

Aliah Dini

May 3, 2015


2.1.1 FINALLY.
As people said, there's a lot of people spent their time searching for themselves, searching for who they are, and what they are worth for. As Mulan said, "...maybe I'm not going to the war because of my father. I went because of me; myself. So I can see through my reflection and be proud of what I'm actually worth for; Guess I was wrong!," I mean, if you have watched Disney's movies gazillion times so far Mulan is my favorite princess of all. Sorry if what I quote is not exactly what Mulan has said but it's the truth spokes louder; mind me ask if anyone here finally know the meaning of themselves? The meaning of 'what is the purpose of life they are having' kind of question that probably lead into millions of invisible answers. Who knows what they are actually worth,

if they have some trust issues on themselves?

2.1.2 THE WORDS.
Freedom Writers taught me to be a good teamwork even you are in different races, genders, or religions. The color does not reflect who you are, or even how religious are you, or even no matter what you 'll protect your own; somehow in some place of someone will forget, that personality and character of a person speaks louder than any words. Of course you will disagree with me on things that it is unpredictable, but for me this is, unfortunately, one of the most unpopular opinion nowadays. People mistaken to be in the place where they are hiding themselves, instead of shines for who they are and what they want to be. Don't say no, explain. Don't stop someone, but figure out the pros and cons. Respect other people is the key to open the door of success. This is one the reason why Japan is moving faster than anyone else. They respect the time, the people, the community, the society and everyone around them. This lead into every door they are taking except failure.

Many people doesn't realized this as much as I do, or probably they think way more than me. I'm taking this opportunity to tell people to stop bossing around, and start to be a leader. If you want to gain respect, you have to give some. Stop asking people to do something they don't like, instead, do something to improve yourself first. The changes in you makes people give respect; or appreciate to have you in their life. So, when you look in the mirror, stop whining and dress-up like you're going to meet your worst enemy of the day. Be proud of who you are, and don't be afraid to shine.

Some people say negative things to another people just because they feel like it, they feel they want to do it, even though the negative thing is just a trash talk. I see this among teenagers and grown adolescence where they talk trash in the media, bashing another group and protecting their own. This is where it comes the root of all; respect. None of this shows a bit about being respect to each other in society. The school taught everything, to be on-time in class, to finish the homework, to prepare about exams, to cooperate among your friends, and all positive vibes. I just hope Malaysians changed the concept of not respecting others and start a new beat of life.
Life is beautiful. Human destroys it. So, it is up to you, to just start among your vibes, and slowly approaching the society to be more-respectful.

You can find me on email: aliahdiniawesome@gmail.com if you have any sorts of questions, or ways you want to discuss of having a good teamwork. or maybe you just want to talk. Email me up or easy way to understand what I'm trying to do: Let's go back to classic style. You know who you are, ghostcat a.k.a anonymous readers!

Aliah Dini

Apr 22, 2015


1.1.1 The Starting-from-Scratch mode

It's true, when people said you have to know the meaning of failure, you have to understand why are you bleeding when you fall, and to know how to get up and just brace yourselves for the upcoming challenges. It is true; enough said. Let's start from here, when you're in the middle of some place out of nowhere, and wants to be the best just because of who you are, you're screwed. So screwed. I learnt lots of lesson when I was studying in Cyberjaya. I put the blame unto no one, because I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave because I know if I stay any longer, I wouldn't be tough and strong like how I am now. (I'm not saying I am tough and strong like 30 years old of experience, but I'm above my previous level; which is a good thing.) 
It was....so so chaos when I said to my mum, I'm not longer wanted to presume my studies as a teacher or as a tutor for kids. She was shocked, obviously, but at the same time she knew I was not happy. Emotionally, and physically. I was too stressed up to a point where I was talking to Bambam, (my car), which I knew, this is so sick. 
We went to the office and discuss over my personal stuff where, I'm no longer be able to continue my studies there. As the favorite students in alumni and Vice President, they were not happy about it. They tried their hardest and desperate to let me stay. 
I've got lots of things going on in my mind, like for instance to get 4 flat in first semester or stuff like that. I was quite active in the class on asking questions and answering them but... why would I want to stay if people are happy to see me go?
It was quite sad, and astonished at the same time. I have no idea how to say it but... you know. 
Alhamdulillah, I got an offer to Management and Science University (MSU) to further my study in Diploma Culinary Arts for 2 years and a half. It is my dream to pursue my studies in what I love of what I want and how I want it to be present.

1.2.1 It all started as I am a piece of white paper, and starting to get myself colored with rainbows, sun shines, rains, thunders, happiness, sadness, and so many stuff. It's hard to explain this experience I'm having, but as what I can say the decision to change about studies can affect your lifetime experiences. I'm having new friends, I'm deeply in-love with the course, and I'm learning...

Yes, I'm learning.

1.2.1 To get everything come to an end is not easy.  The consequences in handling myself was the most challenging moment I've ever had. I used to stand trembling, and likely in a minute to fall. Now I know, the more knowledge you know, the more you share to people around you. The deeper you know the meaning of life, the faster your progression into be someone better.
Be the best to you, not the eye of others.
Be the interesting person to you, not for other person.
Because people going to go on living once you're out of this world, rotten under the ground.
Nobody stay, except yourself.
So be proud for who you are, and what you want to be.
Trusting yourself is not an issue, but to get up once you've fallen and the trust in yourself destroys, is what really matters.

Aliah Dini