I was off from work
a week starting 3th December until 10th. The day I arrived at my grandparent’s
house was the last day of our local bookstore, Lejen Production Book, to have
an open day; a celebration to let go most of its books in a very cheap price.
They even made it so challenging and unique for us to put every book inside a
tote bag for MYR50. It’s so much fun accelerating our minds to fit in lots of
books inside a bag. I don’t even know much of the books that we had to choose,
it wasn’t that popular or it was, a bloody hell long time ago. But I managed to
get 15 books out of it; one book cause like MYR20 so jackpot. Then, I looked
over at the shelves displaying the books that are really famous and new in
store. I haven’t bought them yet so I really need one. It was 3 for MYR50. It
was not quite expensive considering one book already reached MYR25 each. After
added everything up, a fortune of luck falls upon me whereby I met the author
of the first book I have read and fall in love with the entire production book;
Nami Cobbler was there.
He was signing his
autographs for his fans so I had to wait. I was so excited I asked the cashier
like three times to confirm that was the author. The cashier was like nodding
and laughing at my excitement three times, as I clearly remembered. Then it was
my turn for him to sign the book I have bought and thanks to my
blush-red-cheeks, there were a lot of his books I coincidentally bought.
(PS: It was not an accident. He really is a great author I enjoyed reading his
books.) Without knowing he was there all along! So I had to take a time off to
chill myself, and took the ‘Natalia’ book written by him, and took a picture.
He asked to take a picture with him. He asked me!
This author I’m talking about right here is one of the reasons I have purchased over MYR300 worth of books in this one local store. I spent my entire book voucher at this store. There were a lot promotions going on before I stopped buying books there and moved out to Kuantan, Pahang. I really felt like being in the movie ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ considering Hazel Lancaster really went to Amsterdam to meet her favourite author. He behaved like an ass to her and thank god mine didn’t!
Moments passed, and I went it through like a real professional. I missed being a part of a group like this because I feel I matter. I feel people actually care about me and that is a beautiful thing to be a part of this. A part of their family I joined in 2 days before the actual day. It was remarkable. Not just that I got Faiz Dickie signature, I even got a photo with him. Oh dear that was my best memories so far. I didn’t imagine he was that top of the list though. Really make my day as I got the privilege to announce his name when he went up the stage. It was a day to remember. Plus, we managed to get free McDonald’s burger. Shout out to McDonald for giving sponsors of McChicken! I got like 4 that day. It was memorable.

I went upstairs after my purchased has settled and wanted to hangout for awhile and read some of the books I have bought. The stairs were decorated with quotes from the books I have read. It was beautiful. The doodle, the drawings and the inspiration for us adolescence to get in our world without any invasion from outsiders were the reasons I still kept coming here to the local store.
Once I was up there, there was this gorgeous young lady approached me and was talking to me about their merchandises. The jumper went really hit as it has more discounts than other merchandises. I was politely saying I am just going to hang out here whilst I’m making the decisions about it. She was pretty cool about it and went back sitting with her friends. I was sitting and marked my books with the date written and my signature of when I bought it.
After that all settled down, turns out there were some of the Nami Cobbler book I haven’t had his signature yet. After a few minutes of reading and chilling out, I went downstairs and was hoping to have his signature on the book I was holding. The fortune of luck hitting on me again when I saw him sitting on the bench outside the store, alone, and not wanting to waste anymore time of my mind baffling whether or not to have his signature, I went straight right to him and ask his signature like a man.
Got his signature, I sat beside him. The author I respect and adore the most. Like, next to him. I felt like a cotton candy inside a mouth of a child who really appreciates my existence. We chat, talked about his books I loved the most and it was based on true story. He told me everything about it and showed me the picture of 2 adorable young gals inside the book he wrote for them. I’m not going to spoil anything here but just go and check his book out: “Awekku Chuck Taylor”. I burst out laughing when we talked about his book “Awekku Chuck Taylor: Kapsul Masa” and he told me little secrets about how he processed the book when he wrote about it. He even invites me for a drink. I was too overwhelmed by everything I politely reject it. Inserting laughing out loud here actually I was too ashamed. I was alone so, it is going to be awkward I am 100% sure. I have a way around people so, I know it will get awkward after 15 minutes.
After that I make my move and started to leave.
The next day I had rehearsal at my former study place, MSU Shah Alam. Lots of memories flashing back through my lens of life once I arrived there and without further negotiating about it, I went straight to the Performing Arts Theatre where my team and I held a bunch of events there. Memories after memories slashing my veins like the sword of samurai, the heart beats faster than usual whether I have to meet my former friends I used to work with, or have a thing with; baffling with myself is not a healthy thing I tried to stop it but it’s impossible.
I arrived there, and was welcomed by the crews.
I was alone, turns out. A solo English emcee for the seminar was kind of okay, surprisingly. There were a lot of familiar faces and they were also surprised to see me as I did.
The friend of mine even cursed me on the phone asking why the hell I didn’t tell them I was coming. I was laughing and smiling sinfully because I knew I became the emcee like 2 months ago and suddenly just show up is kind of a bad thing to do. Inserting sinfully laughs here. After done with the rehearsal, I went back home and have a delightful sleep.
The event starts at 2pm but my heart won’t stop pounding since the moment I woke up. It’s the kind of feeling where you have butterflies in your stomach, you suddenly feel you are not good enough, you think of 450 eyes will be on you when there is a single mistake on the event itself, and I was really excited to meet Faiz Dickie at the same time. I even had my book written:
Faiz Dickie please signs here:
Moments passed, and I went it through like a real professional. I missed being a part of a group like this because I feel I matter. I feel people actually care about me and that is a beautiful thing to be a part of this. A part of their family I joined in 2 days before the actual day. It was remarkable. Not just that I got Faiz Dickie signature, I even got a photo with him. Oh dear that was my best memories so far. I didn’t imagine he was that top of the list though. Really make my day as I got the privilege to announce his name when he went up the stage. It was a day to remember. Plus, we managed to get free McDonald’s burger. Shout out to McDonald for giving sponsors of McChicken! I got like 4 that day. It was memorable.
After the seminar ends, I went home as fast as I could, took a bath, dress up beautifully, and my lovely boyfriend whom I haven’t met for more than a month after I moved out to Pahang. He waited 40 minutes for 2 hamburgers, and presents I got him! We went to KLCC for dinner. I ate Cabonara Spagetti and small Pizza Beef for us. He said he was too full after the 2nd burger so he didn’t ate much. KLCC Food Court is not expensive as you can get at your normally take out at normal food store. Those two food costs me MYR20 only and I was too full to give a damn. It was too good, though. We bought King William Chocolate Banana drink at Boost, shout out to Nuzul Fatihah for introducing to me this remarkable drink. It was damn good. My man loves it as well.
Then, we went to Avenue K and have a stroll. It was lovely to watch the Christmas setup in Kuala Lumpur. We also wanted to go to Jln Doraisamy to get some hot mutton soup with bread but it was jam and too late for soup and bread. We had a lovely night.
On 9th December, I went out again on a date with my lovely boyfriend. But, this time both of us took public transport and meet at the usual place, Midvalley. I once took the commuter from my grandparents’ house and it was nightmare. I waited for half an hour for the train, and it keeps delaying after 5 minutes it was supposed to be here. It was heavily raining. It was a mess. I got clever this time and pursue with my uncle’s planning on taking the lrt from glenmarie, stopped at Universiti station, took the bus en route directly to Midvalley. Once again, the jackpot hit on me as I just took half an hour, from Glenmarie to Midvalley, in just 30 minutes.
But, my boyfriend took the commuter because it is near to his house and it was directly took him off to Midvalley so I’M NOT COMPLAINING BUT, DO BETTER NEXT TIME I HATE YOU COMMUTER.
We watched Justice League and truthfully it was awesome. Wonder Woman is pretty as hot muffins out of the oven, and AquaMan is being a badass as usual. Flash has a really great sense of humour among all and SuperMan came back to life. I cannot wait for the next movie from them as they will be together with Guardians of the Galaxy. If that is not pure awesomeness, I don’t know what is!
That’s all from my
trip at KL for a week.
Love yall readers!
Dini Amr.